In 1986 Sheldon Glashow of Harvard University was asked to summarize the theory of everything in no more than seven words. He replied, “Oh, Lord, why have you forsaken me?”
Which Revolution Greater?
Today at tea we were arguing whether Newton deserves a higher place among the metric of genius then Einstein. I am a sucker for the personal side of science, but to me, the larger problem is the question of which revolution shook our view of the universe the most. There have been three revolutions in physics: Newton, Einstein, and Quantum. Newton said “there is order and math governs our universe” Einstein said “time and space are not what you think they are and further these so basic concepts are maleable.” Quantum said “here an operating system for all our physical laws.” Now which of these revolutions had the greatest shock towards our view of the universe?
Certainly, before Newton, the very idea of physical law was at best a blur. So the revolution of seeing the world before and after Newton is very much a nothing out of something experience. With Einstein, we have a revolution where we had previous concepts, concepts that seem deeply ingrained in our everyday experience, but these concepts are wrong. And with Quantum, we find that our very concepts of what is real, especially when combined with the insights of Einstein, are vastly in contrast to the way the universe works. Which revolution was greater?
Master Master
During a talk today by Sid Redner, the question came up as to the origin of the expression “master equation.” According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the first such use of the term was given in by A. Nordsieck et al. in Physica 7, p. 353, 1940
The required probability of an energy distribution will be a function of the numbers ni and of x, which we will denote by W(n1, n2,..; x). From this function W one can find all other distribution functions… When the probabilities of the elementary processes are known, one can write down a continuity equation for W, from which all other equations can be derived and which we will call therefore the “master” equation.
This site,, intended to tell the story of banned arxiv posters is bound to be worth checking out every once in a while. My favorite quote so far, is in the letter to Noam Chomsky, where Carlos Castro Perelman, writes
I would like to bring to you attention the level of corruption and hypocrisy that has plagued the world of science, Physics in particular, in recent years . No wonder why this country ( USA ) is spiraling into Fascism.
Capital Ph, Capital F, spiraling into McCarthyism.
Quantum Gravity 2+1
Talking about different physical theories in different dimensions is one of physicists favorite pastimes. Thus, for instance, we often move the theory to the infinite dimensional case or to the case of dimension slightly greater or less than some integer dimension. Often we work with low dimensional theories because of constraints–for example we do this when we talk about an electron gas trapped in a two surface or a one dimensional line or even a zero dimensional dot. But sometimes we work in different dimensions to see if we can gain insight into the theory in a dimension where we can’t seem to make much progress. Such is the case for a quantum theory of gravity. Our success in understanding quantum gravity in two spatial dimensions plus one time dimension (2+1) has been far better than our success in understanding quantum gravity in three spatial dimensions plus one time dimension (3+1). Why?
Well there is an easy way to see why quantum gravity in 2+1 dimensions is quite a different beast than quantum gravity in 3+1 dimensions. Let’s look at the 3+1 dimensional case first. At a fixed time, the spatial metric has six degrees of freedom (it’s a real tensor and it’s a symmetric tensor and it’s in dimension three.) But the laws of general relativity are invariant under general coordinate changes. This means that there are four gauge degrees of freedom which correspond to the choice of four spacetime coordinates. Thus there are two physical degrees of freedom in 3+1 dimensional gravity.
But what happens in 2+1 dimensional gravity? At a fixed time, the spatial metric now has three degrees of freedom (it’s a real tensor and it’s a symmetric tensor and it’s in dimension two.) But now there are three gauge degrees of freedom. Thus in 2+1 dimensional gravity there are no physical degrees of freedom!
In fact what happens in 2+1 is that the curvature tensor vanishes! Now recall that if we parallel transport a vector around an area where the curvature tensor vanishes, then the vector doesn’t change. Thus if we work in a spacetime where there all loops encose areas, then parallel transport will be path independent and there will be a global notion of parallelism. Quite a boring theory right? Well yes, if you only consider simply connected spacetimes (i.e. spacetimes where all loops are continuously contractible to a point.) But if you consider spacetimes which have noncontractible loops (think of a torus and the circles which form circumferences of this torus) then the parallel transport around one of these noncontractible loops doesn’t enclose an area. Now the geometry of this flat spacetime is characterized by the results of parallel transport around noncontratible loops (holonomies.) So right away we see that gravity in 2+1 dimensions will be an interesting theory when we allow topologically nontrivial spacetimes. In fact, when we construct the solutions and quantize gravity in 2+1 dimensions we are led to a topological quantum field theory! Actually things get quite interesting in 2+1 dimensions when we try to quantize the theory. In fact there are many different approaches to this quantizations, and, strangely, not all of these are consistent (this is why you have to pay attention when all these mathematical physicists go on and on about all these different methods to quantize classical theories!)
Well enough quantum gravity for today. Just remember, theories of physics are never as complicated as most theoretical physicists would like you to believe.
Bashing Our Heads Against the Planck Length
If we take Planck’s constant, h, Newton’s constant, G, and the speed of light, c, we can form a constant which has as its unit the unit of length. This is the Planck length: sqrt(Gh/c^3) or approximately 4 times 10^(-33) cm (I’ve not used hbar here for some silly reason.) It is often argued that the Planck length is the natural length at which an as yet undiscovered theory of quantum gravity will take over.
There is a nice argument where the Planck length emerges naturally from considering gravitational collapse. Consider a system of energy E. If this energy confined to a ball of radius c^4R/G<E , then the system will eventually collapse to a black hole (this is called the Hoop conjecture.) On the other hand, if the system has energy E, then it cannot be localized more than it’s Compton wavelength R=hc/E. What then is the minimum radius achievable? Well it’s just the Planck length!
So the Planck length arises naturally when we ask what is the minimal size object we can make which doesn’t collapse into a black hole and which obeys the uncertainty principle. But does this mean that the Planck length is the smallest length we can measure? I mean, just because the Planck length follows from the above argument doesn’t imply that we cannot make measurements which localize a particle to a distance less than the Planck length. However, a recent Physical Review Letter (vol 93, p.21101, 2004), “Minimum Length from Quantum Mechanics and Classical General Relativity” by Xavier Calmet, Michael Graesser, Stephen D.H. Hsu attacks exactly this issue (for the arXiv version click here.) And what do the authors discover? They discover that if they try to use an interferometer, or simple time of flight measurements to determine locality, they get the answer that the minimal distance measureable is the Planck length! So there really is a sense in which distance shorter than the Planck length has no meaning.
Strings Versus Loops
A favorite pastime of scientists of all ilks is to discuss the pros and cons of string theory. Of course, very few scientsts are equiped to properly critique string theory (myself included), yet a large number of scientists are very sceptical. You might just say that “they smell a rat.” Why might this be? Take a look at this wikipedia article which is an attack on a different proto-theory of quantum gravity, loop quantum gravity. In the link, the authors are clearly string theory biased. And they put forth such great arguments as….loop quantum gravity is bad because it only talks about four dimensional spacetime…loop quantum gravity is bad because it does not allow an infinite variety of new fields and objects….loop quantum gravity is bad because it, oh my god, only purports to be a theory of gravity….loop quantum gravity is bad because it doesn’t predict any new particles…loop quantum gravity does not produce any new mathematics…etc., etc. It’s arguments like these which give string theory a bad name. There are good reasons to be skeptical of loop quantum gravity, but the arguments put forth from this stringy perspective are simply absurd.
Alice, Bob, and …
In cryptography there has been a long tradition of calling two parties involved in a protocol Alice and Bob. This tradition has been proudly maintained in quantum information science, no doubt in large part because quantum cryptography was one of the first ideas in quantum information science. One of the nicest things about the Alice/Bob labeling scheme is that it allows one to use gender to distinguish parties. I suspect that since gender is dear to our animal hearts, this concise way of refering to parties has significant syntactic advantage. David Mermin once said something along the lines of “if quantum information contributes nothing else to physics it least it will have given us Alice and Bob.” Actually, where I’ve found the Alice/Bob labeling scheme most efficient is in special relativity where it allows one to give gender to different reference frames (note also that since all frames are equal…) It is much clearer to most students when you refer to “his reference frame” or “her reference frame.”
Along these lines, when you have to introduce a new party, it is traditional to call this party Eve. This is usually done because in cryptography, Eve is the eavesdroping malicious third party. But this screws up the whole gender roles efficient labeling. I therefore propose that instead of calling the third party Eve, we should call the third party E.T., or Elephant, or Eagle such that we can use “it” to refer to this party. Now what do we do for four parties?
Where are the Temporal Phase Transitions?
Phase transitions are fun. Change the temperature and wah-lah, water turns to ice and ice into water! Throw random bonds down on a lattice: if we occupy the sites with low probability, we form lots of isolated regions of small bonds, but if increase this probability past a the percolation threshold, wah-lah we form clusters of infinite connectivity! Change the amount of magnetic field applied transversely to an ising magnet and you find distinct magnetic phases. Oh yeah, wah-lah: quantum phase transition!
What I find most interesting about all of these different examples of phase transitions is what the knobs are which we turn in order to change phases. Most often, this knob is simply the temperature (in the first two models, this is indeed true, in the last the phase transition arises from a different knob, the transverse magnetic field.) What I’ve been curious about lately is trying to find models of phase transitions which occur as a function of time. The idea here is that you set up a system, evolve it, and at a particular time the system system undergoes a phase transition. Thus there would be a “critical time” at which the order of the system would change. I don’t know of any good examples of such temporal phase transitions. The closest I can come to are situations where a system is cooling off and hence one gets a phase transition at a particular time because the temperature is a function of time. But are there examples of temporal phase transitions without time being simply a substitute for some other “knob” we can turn for a phase transition?
Wick Rotation
In quantum theory, we are interested in calculating the amplitude for starting in some initial state |i> and ending in some final state |f>. For a Hamiltonian H evolving for a time t, this amplitude is given by <f |exp(-iHt)|i>. In the path integral formulation of quantum theory, we rewrite this as the path integral \int dq exp(i S(q)) where this integration is performed over all paths q and S(q) is the action (\int_0^t L(q,dot{q}) dt ). Often what we’re really interested in is the long time propogators, so our action is really integrated from minus infinity to plus infinity. What has always astounded me is that often times we can calculate this path integral by performing a Wick rotation: we substitute -it for t in the path integral and thus we obtain a path integral with terms which don’t oscillate wildly. This often results in a situation where we can then either explicitly calculate the integral, or where we can numerically integrate the path integral by standard Monte Carlo methods. In fact, you will recall, what we’ve done is transformed the path integral into a partition function from classical statistical mechanics.
So here is my question. Is this anything more than a trick or is there something profound going on here? In particular I’m thinking about hidden variables. Since we have taken a quantum system and transformed it into a classical system, we’ve effectively made the transition to a hidden variable theory. Sampling from the classical statistical mechanical system described after the Wick rotation is now sampling from some hidden variable theory. Why doesn’t this immediately work? Well the first problem is that we have transformed the amplitude into a partition function. The probability of going from the state |i> to the state |f> is the magnitude squared. But does this really mess us up? We now have something which looks like int dq exp( S[q] ) int dq’ exp (S'[q’]) for the probability. The S’ comes about because the action is now the action going from plus infinite to minus infinity. But this still looks like a partition function: however now we aren’t sampling over all paths q but instead all paths which start with |i> go to |f> and then return back to |i>. So our hidden variables are not paths from minus infinity to plus infinity, but instead are now spacetime “loops” which go from minus infinity to plus infinity and then back to minus infinity. What does this mean? Now that is an interesting question!