Canadian Quantum

Quantum Works.

QuantumWorks is a new, NSERC-funded Innovation Platform that links Canadian researchers with industrial and government agency partners to lead Canada into the next technological revolution – that of Quantum Information. Building on established national expertise in quantum cryptography, quantum algorithms and quantum information processing devices, QuantumWorks research programs will provide “made in Canada” breakthroughs, protect them, and promote them to private and public sectors. Through a national training strategy in quantum information, QuantumWorks will ensure that research labs and the work force of tomorrow are populated with quantum-aware graduates. As the Information Age gives way to the Quantum Age, QuantumWorks will ensure that Canada leads the way.

Quantum Age? Don’t they know time is not a hermitian operator in quantum theory? (Okay, David Pegg did define a POVM operator called “age” which is sort of like a conjugate variable to the energy, BTW!)
The Canadians are coming! The Canadians are coming!
(You cannot begin to understand how hard it was to resit putting the word “eh” somewhere in this post 🙂 )

3 Replies to “Canadian Quantum”

  1. “Complement of the Hamiltonian”
    Phys. Rev. A 58, 4307–4313 (1998)
    It is a very cool paper and I’ve always thought it is pointing towards something very deep.

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